Wednesday, March 20, 2013

We're in a library. It makes us look smart.

So before you see these pictures and think, "what the hell is going on here and why are these pictures kind of weird", realize several things:

1. I am sorta/kinda weird.
2. I used a film camera without a flash
3. I did not feel like cleaning my apartment to take photos everywhere.
4. I am not a professional photographer and apparently do not give good direction.

So, knowing that, LOOK!

This FANCY. 

Want to see the dress on a real person!??? I knew you did :) 
More photos/witty commentary after the jump!

A better look at the dress and some some accessories.

And here begins my adventure with my beautiful cousin!
My directions were "pretend you know how to thread this machine, and I really mean pretend, because I don't even know how to thread this one". It's my grandma's, and I haven't been brave enough to try it yet...

And this concludes the photos that were usable from my apartment. Also one of the only full-length views of the dress. IT'S TIME FOR AN ADVENTURE!!! LET'S GO TO THE LIBRARY!

It's super cold, but I make her go anyway, even though she doesn't want to. It's the price you pay to be my model.

There are books here! And those cap sleeves were not an original part of the dress design.

So we read some. Check out the cute little peplum parts of the dress on her hips! So super cute!

Admire the ZIPPER OF DOOM.

And then she read while crouching... Not sure why. You can admire the awesome job I did with her hair to make her into a 40's pinup model from this angle, though :)

SO. This concludes my first major project in a long time. I have figured out what Andrew and I are going to be for Halloween this year, so I'm pretty excited to start that sometime over the summer. 

What have I been doing in the meanwhile since finishing this dress? I mentioned before my stupid cream colored boring scarf -- it got stupid because somehow I lost 4 stitches between the time I started the scarf and after I made 40 rows. I'm super sad... But I might turn it into a collar/scarf something or other... We'll see.

A project that is guaranteed on the horizon: EASTER BASKET!!! My friends and I gather for an annual Easter beer hunt. First, let me explain: 
Premise: an adult Easter egg hunt
How it's for adults: each person brings a 6 pack of an alcoholic beverage, and we hide them and then set out to find them, using the cardboard case as your "Easter basket".
How I'm slowly raising the stakes: I added "decorate your Easter basket" last year for additional bragging rights. So that is where I am now. I must decorate my basket and it will be glorious :)

My entry last year. Obvious winner because there were no others decorated but it was frigging adorable.



  1. The cap sleeves were totally necessary for that dress. Very cool. Where did you get the pattern?

  2. Awesome dress! Nice job! Also, the adult Easter beer hunt is genius.

    This is the original pattern Steph picked out, I made a cross between C, D, and E, and then changed the little peplum parts so they wouldn't be free floating like the picture. I ended up ruching the hips of the peplum more and sewing the edges of it actually into the seams where the side panels meet so it couldn't get windblown. Definitely a labor of love, and the fit was a little wonky in the bust, but I did learn a lot about making a finished garment.
