Friday, March 8, 2013

Technology is the devil's work! (a.k.a. the beginning of my blog)

I'm experiencing a HUGE streak of boredom lately. I'm not sure if it's just laziness or what, but I am absolutely bored most evenings. The last couple weeks, the bassist for my band has been out of town, so we haven't practiced, and that could be part of what I'm dealing with, but mostly I think that I'm not tapping into my potential... Like at all. And I've had some time to reflect on what is different now than it was before. I'm about to get real old-lady on all of you and just say it: TECHNOLOGY! IT'S THE DEVIL'S WORK! 

Okay, so maybe not the devil's work, but it really is playing an enormous role in how people are communicating and experiencing life. Before I had netflix, and a laptop, and a smart phone, and all of this other stuff, I was having a better time than I am now. I was doing crafts! I was staying up until 2am to finish a costume I made for a silly event to which no one else was going to wear a costume! I had an absolute blast before I became another drone lost to the era of the smart phone. 

In my job, I am constantly problem solving and jerry-rigging, but at home I haven't done a damn thing in the last few weeks. So here is where I started. After a two hour binge of pinteresting, and for the last several several months, not having done a SINGLE pinterest project I have pinned, I have decided that I'm going to try to do two pinterest-related projects every month for the next year. I think it's an attainable goal, and some times I might do better, and others I might do worse. I might find things to do that aren't related to pinterest and I feel like tooting my own horn. Whatever. 

I'm going to attempt this whole "blogging" thing when I find myself aimlessly searching netflix for something to waste the hours before I can justify going to sleep (and that in itself is a time-waster. I definitely do not need 8-10 hours of sleep every night -- there are 3 hours each night I can dedicate to making or improving things!). 

My expectations:
Less boredom
Thinking time
Shit gettin' done

Your expectations:
At least a few blogs/month
Jess to have put words on the screen in front of you
Pictures of shit Jess has done recently

So I guess it looks like everyone's happy, right? Alright. That's it for now... I guess I need to learn when to stop typing. Which is now.

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