Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Craft Time! (Plus video bonus)

 I mentioned in my previous blog that my friends and I get together around Easter to do what we have named the "Easter Beer Hunt". Each year, we end up learning a little bit about how to play it and adjust the rules to make the game fair/give tips on how to have a successful Easter Beer Hunt. Last year, I thought up the idea to decorate my 6 pack case to show off my Easter "basket". It was wonderful. So this year -- I had to make it better, I had to make it stronger, I had to make it take more time to make! I also [due to poor planning] had to do it without a hot glue gun.

Rule # 1: the "basket" must be a six pack. I suggest choosing a drink that is not a type of beer that everyone else will bring. The majors (Miller, Bud, Coors, etc) may get mixed up with others. You can always decorate your specific beers, too (we thought of that as a "thing" this year).

Rule # 2: There may be some sort of theme. We will release a note about the "theme" of our Easter Beer Hunt a couple weeks before the event. This year, I chose to go with the traditional "basket" theme.

I found a bunch of pretty colored ribbons. That'll do for an "action" shot.

Rule # 3: Votes are accumulated via Facebook. The winner is awarded a ribbon. 

Here's a good shot of the front. I chose to leave the sides open for an unknown reason. I also put a glitter bunny on the front!
And the backside was a little too plain with just the woven fabric ribbon, so I gave it a pop of color :)
close-up of the actual weaving. It was a ton of work. I don't recommend it.


1. Someone else must hide your beers in the approved areas.
2. Flashlights are welcome and encouraged since we hide them at night. Subject to your discretion.
3. Try to remember where you hide the other person's beers.
4. First one to find all six of their own beers gets bragging rights!
6. Maybe tell the police that many adults will be wandering the street with flashlights and beer... Forgot to do that one this year...

So I ended up in 4th place for the basket decorating contest. I am confident that if people actually had to score the votes on effort that mine may have won. It looked super great in person. Want to see the other entries? OF COURSE YOU DO!

Winner[/cheater] -- 18 pack Beer Bunny from John & Heather

Second Place - Flamboyant Easter - Mike

Third Place - Pretty Princess on a Pedestal - Kim

Honorable mention - Lucky Cutesie - Jenna (check out the rabbit's foot! awesome!)
Dishonorable mention - NOT REALLY DECORATED - Kevin

And here's the whole shebang together :)

In addition to our evening of silly beer hunting, the husband and I went to our good friends' house and decided to do a Harlem Shake video with all the children. We are all Halloween costume people, so here's what you get when we decide to unite our costume powers!

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