Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Spring is upon us!??!?!

I can't believe it's almost here! SPRINGGGGG!  I don't know about you guys, but I always feel more energized when I can actually see sunlight when I get out of work. You might think of spring cleaning for the cure to cabin fever, but I wind up going craft crazy (not that my house doesn't need that spring cleaning fever--any volunteers? ).

My apologies for not being around- I have no excuse for my pure laziness. I've just have been. 

So what is my cure for pure laziness? CRAFT CHALLENGE! My friends and I have just begun monthly craft challenges as a way to inspire each other and to praise each other's creativity. The only rule for this month's craft challenge was that you had to make something,  anything,  and complete it by the 20th. In my usual style, I just squeaked by before the deadline. Maybe I'll post an overview of everyone's projects after their reveals!

Anyway, I made this:
It's a canvas! It's painted! It's cut out!


Well, it's easy. Just paint a canvas with whatever design you desire -- I started super abstract, and then I realized I just wanted random color, so I painted over the original. I won't share it. It was ugly.

And then I bought a super cheap stencil at the cheapo store, and painted a geometric pattern on the back of the canvas. At this point, I had intended to cut out all of the pattern parts.

So I got to cuttin'. And I cut using a brand new exacto on a cutting board for what felt like forever, but was only a few hours one day. I decided not to cut out all of the pieces, since it was getting a little weak from all the lacy-ness.

So here's my final project! I like that I didn't cut out all of the shapes -- It gives it a little more "art"ness. I will advise to be exceedingly careful not to slip with your blade, because the canvas wants to curl when it's left to its own devices. I may somehow patch the two areas back together and sealing it, but I won't tell you where the boo-boos are ;-)

And here's a detail shot -- check out how cool it looks with shadows behind it! 

I really dig this, and may try another variation on the same idea sometime. It would be cool if you made several smaller ones that made a "big picture"!

Look forward to more frequent posts in the coming weeks!
Great to be back!!!

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