Tuesday, October 29, 2013


     So as all of you know (or I thought by now you might have heard), I have been crafting my butt off these past few weeks. It all began with my desire to create a costume for my sister-in-law's 5 month old son. Since his mommy is a Tolkien nerd, I asked if she'd be interested in a baby hobbit costume, and she said yes! So I got to work, and I only had to purchase the green fabric for the cloak since I had pieces of this and that around my apartment. - SCORE -

 So, without much ado, here is my baby hobbit costume, modeled by the gorgeous baby boy belonging to Kim Neyer of Kimberly Neyer Photography! You guys know I can't say enough great things about her, and you can see why in these pics. She's just got a way with capturing the moment, doesn't she? Hit her up for any sort of pictures you can think of -- the only thing she does not do is weddings. Check out her website and blog kimberlyneyer.com . You won't be sorry!!!

ha - gotcha. This is a pic I took on my phone to show the detail I painted onto a onesie for under the outfit.

Here it is :)

OH MY GOODNESS. I just melt when I see these! This little guy made a perfect model for my costume. Now I can't wait to hear from my sister-in-law in Minnesota to see if she got it in the mail this week.


Her two boys are being a pirate and a parrot for Halloween this year, so I offered to make footwear for their costumes since she already had the costumes themselves. Here's what I wound up with.

I made pirate boot shoe covers, and I was insanely entertained that they are like fingerless gloves for my long adult feet. 


I painted my toenails just for these shots... is that weird?

(too bad)


The hardest part was trying to figure out how to make them look like he had three toes. I thought it was important in making parrot feet. Otherwise he might have just been a kid with orange feet, and I couldn't have that. I like to make my costume parts as realistic as is possible (without stressing or going overboard).

Since the little one is just starting to stand, I decided he needed some "grip" on the bottom of his little booties. I didn't want him to slip on Halloween and get a boo-boo (nyuck nyuck nyuck -- I love puns).

I need to put a disclaimer out there that my mommy helped me make one of the booties. It was a great mommy/daughter bonding time and you know you're jealous -- Thanks, mom!


After I made the children footwear, I was like, "OMG, HALLOWEEN PARTY IN 6 DAYS, OH NOOOOO!"

And then I realized that there was nothing wrong because I was doing it in the typical halloween fashion. There is no way that you can start a costume any earlier than that -- it's a logistical impossibility! So I pressed on! I had been wanting to be a can-can dancer for the last couple years, but I kept running out of time (big surprise). I decided to go big or go home this year and just do it. I started with a $5 floor-length skirt that was part of a bridesmaids dress I found at goodwill -- a teal taffeta with a cotton underskirt. I figured that I could throw on one of my corsets (it was buy one, get two 1/2 off when I had to buy undergarments for my wedding), and so began my project. I cut the under layer to just over the knee, and I tied the to layer of the skirt up "valance style", so it was shorter than the under layer. I gathered a bunch of colored ribbon and sewed it all over the underskirt to give it color. Add some patterned tights, a corset and tank top, and you're almost ready to go!

Which brings me to my next project.

spools? spools you say?

I need something to adorn my head. A tiny tophat fascinator, you suggested? Why, you read my mind! So I stayed up until nearly 4am making this adorable little hat!

It's made out of a feather, some ribbon, felt, and pure, unadulterated fun  magic costuming addiction.

And look how cute it is on!!!

As per usual, I completely forgot to take photos of myself at a party. These are the best of what I can recover, and I apologize in advance for the terrible pictures.

You can slightly see the ruffles made from ribbon on my thigh. I used pink, purple, and robin's egg blue. It turned out SO much better than I expected.

 This is as close as it's getting to "full body" -- The hulk on the right is my mother! My 4 year old nephew told her to be Hulk for Halloween. Could you refuse a request like that? I didn't think so.

While I was working on my own costume, I also helped beef up/change my other friend Kim's costume for Lydia in beetlejuice, so feel free to love up on her dress, too. :)

This is a good shot of the gang! And look at the tiny hat! 

And this is the last of the photos I have for this post -- there will be others, more, later! 

OH! Monday, I made a cape thing for a bat costume at work. There will be photos of it in the next several days. I had hoped to take all of the photos of all of the things, but I just ran out of time. Guess you'll just have to check back, huh? :)

UNTIL NEXT TIME! There are always projects cropping up on me, so STAY TUNED FOR ANOTHER EXCITING BLOG POST BY workthatcreativity.blogspot.com !

P.S. I opened an Etsy shop last week to unload some of my vintage jewelry and give you guys a chance to own some of my blogging history! Check it out! etsy.com/shop/workthatcreativity

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