Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Out of my funk. But still funky.

**disclaimer: I seriously typed "I'm back" into google image search and this was the first pic. I thought it was fitting.

I know you've all been eagerly awaiting my next post and it took FOREVER. I mentioned earlier that I was making the most boring scarf in the world. Well... It didn't end up being the most boring scarf in the world -- it's now a super freaking adorable earwarmer!

... I honestly did not have the patience to make it long enough for a scarf... or even a cowl. Man, I am lazy.

The way it all came about is that I was going about my cute little crochet business while watching movies and apparently I have very little ability to multitask effectively. I made about 30 rows and realized that somehow I had dropped 5-7 stitches, so the end was shorter than when I began. I was really really really disappointed because I finally had gotten into my groove and all my stitches were beginning to look really super awesome and even, and in the end it would not look good. So I shoved the partially completed scarf under our ottoman out of sight while I was disgusted with it.

I decided that it was definitely time to start cleaning the apartment, and you all know how cleaning goes -- you're always looking for a distraction! So I found again the yarn project and realized that I had just bought the most awesome box of buttons recently (Thanks, Gail!!!), and HAD to show them to you guys and the mother of pearl buckles might be an awesome addition to the scarf thing. 

So here are  my preciouses the buttons: 

They will all become something wonderful :) And these are just the MoP ones!
 I realized today that I'm developing an obsession with real mother of pearl buttons so if you have any, I would definitely take them off of your hands to look at forever.

Anyway. I made this thing and I think I might actually wear it someday!

Wow, I'm so fancy and artsy and stuff I was going for "sullen teenager" in this shot. Also, I think it reads very clearly "took this myself and wish I had a photographer".

But really, I do like it. I might actually even use it. Absolutely not now, since it's 90 degrees outside, but I guess I had to finish it sometime. I am THE MASTER of procrastinating. 

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