Thursday, May 30, 2013

Methinks My Thinker Be Obsessed.

      I have a huge project in my head. Next time I have a chance, I am going to snap a photo of what inspired me to do what I'm going to be doing in the next several weeks. I'll try to remember to do some little blog posts while I'm collecting all I need for my major project, but I wanted to let you guys know that I might forget...

Anyway, a little tiny brief note about what got me going:

I absolutely fell IN LOVE with a patterned wall in one of the local shops in town, and the owner told me it was silk. I need a patterned wall.
... No, you don't understand.


So I googled and googled... and googled.

Crap, I cannot afford silk. Especially not enough to cover a wall. I honestly can't even afford fabric (not that I found any I was in love with). So I have decided that I am going to dedicate a lot of time as well as a huge blog post into covering a wall with a pattern. That will include several things:

1. Troubleshoot the no painting/please don't put holes everywhere in the walls problem.
2. Figure out a pattern/color
3. Create an actual space that is to be used as a background for photos (since every time I need to take some I come up short and use some pretty ridiculous methods for photo'ing)
     [Step 3 will include cleaning out/reorganizing all of the junk that we are currently storing in useable space, to become my craft studio!]

I am justifying all of this because we just signed a lease for another year and I definitely need a place to photo/store all of my craftiness.

So, it seems that this might be a massive undertaking, but I cannot get the image of that fabric wall out of my head.
It was like this, but wayyyy not.

 I can't even find anything similar. I'll just have to make do with loving whatever I make.

Anyway. I guess that's it for now, nothing too exciting, but I have just spent like... 2 hours planning this. Obsessed much? I think so. Now, I will retire for the night since I am going to go GARAGE SALING tomorrow!!! I hope I find some treasures :)

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Schmoozy Shoesies

The following might only be interesting to people who love shoes. If you have no interest in shoes and the shallow shoe love that is to follow, stop reading now!

I have several great pairs of shoes, so be prepared to be JEALOUS.

For my friend, Laura's wedding, I had these amazing shoes in my head. I wanted royal blue peep toe pumps and I searched the world over for them, to no avail. I did however stumble upon a super comfy pair of nude peep toe pumps, and needed a way to make them have some sort of color on them. So I came up with the idea to make a little decoration to make them pretty.

Here's what I came up with for Laura's wedding, amazing photo courtesy of Kimberly Neyer Photography . (If ever you need newborn photos, family photos, or engagement photos, please drop her a line! She did my and Laura's weddings last year -- unfortunately she is no longer doing weddings -- and was a blast to work with and the photos were AMAZING... I honestly cannot say enough good things about her and her work -- THANK YOU SO MUCH, KIM!!!).
These little flowers were initially hair clips, so I sewed them onto velcro to wrap on the shoes.

I had gotten so many compliments on these cute little shoe accessories that I decided to share them with everyone and make some more!

So here's what ya get!

These turned out to be a little on the costume-y side, but they're pretty darn cute anyway.

Today, I was just about to take a shoe photo shoot with only my nude peep toe shoes and I realized...
If I used other peep toe shoes, would my "shoesies" (as I've so fondly named my little decorations) fit other shoes? The answer was ASTOUNDING. At least to me. I did a victory lap around the apartment when I realized all my other shoes would work, too. Andrew gave me a disapproving look. Whatever.

HOW FITTING FOR MEMORIAL DAY! I'll admit it, I love geeking out over holidays where I can accesorize, so I made patriotic shoesies!!!
Oh say, can you see? These shoes rock.

I did not realize until well after the fact that red and purple together symbolize the red hat ladies, so it is also fitting that I put buttons on them, too. Since I'm an old woman at heart anyway.

Then I got to try my shoes on and take some foot selfies (wayyy harder than you would expect). I also had to find something to make a pretty background out of since I don't have a yard or anywhere pretty enough for this girly blog. Look at my average feet in adorable shoes!

I'll admit it. Even though I probably will never use the red, white, and blue shoesies, these do look super cute for this weekend. I love them.

And the most painful/cutest shoes award goes to these. SO cute, but SO much discomfort. My ankle veins definitely are making their feelings known.


You better watch yourself, people, because your simple shoes will be jealous of my shoesies. You're also welcome to make your own. Or, you can pay me to make some for you by emailing me a request.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Out of my funk. But still funky.

**disclaimer: I seriously typed "I'm back" into google image search and this was the first pic. I thought it was fitting.

I know you've all been eagerly awaiting my next post and it took FOREVER. I mentioned earlier that I was making the most boring scarf in the world. Well... It didn't end up being the most boring scarf in the world -- it's now a super freaking adorable earwarmer!

... I honestly did not have the patience to make it long enough for a scarf... or even a cowl. Man, I am lazy.

The way it all came about is that I was going about my cute little crochet business while watching movies and apparently I have very little ability to multitask effectively. I made about 30 rows and realized that somehow I had dropped 5-7 stitches, so the end was shorter than when I began. I was really really really disappointed because I finally had gotten into my groove and all my stitches were beginning to look really super awesome and even, and in the end it would not look good. So I shoved the partially completed scarf under our ottoman out of sight while I was disgusted with it.

I decided that it was definitely time to start cleaning the apartment, and you all know how cleaning goes -- you're always looking for a distraction! So I found again the yarn project and realized that I had just bought the most awesome box of buttons recently (Thanks, Gail!!!), and HAD to show them to you guys and the mother of pearl buckles might be an awesome addition to the scarf thing. 

So here are  my preciouses the buttons: 

They will all become something wonderful :) And these are just the MoP ones!
 I realized today that I'm developing an obsession with real mother of pearl buttons so if you have any, I would definitely take them off of your hands to look at forever.

Anyway. I made this thing and I think I might actually wear it someday!

Wow, I'm so fancy and artsy and stuff I was going for "sullen teenager" in this shot. Also, I think it reads very clearly "took this myself and wish I had a photographer".

But really, I do like it. I might actually even use it. Absolutely not now, since it's 90 degrees outside, but I guess I had to finish it sometime. I am THE MASTER of procrastinating.